Today several of my friends from college drove across my home state of Kansas on their journey back to North Carolina. They of course drove I-70 across the whole state. I have been speaking with one of them via text messages and they stopped in Victoria at the Cathedral of the Plains at my suggestion. I am not sure where else they stopped or if they even stopped anywhere else. I wish they could have stopped to visit my friend Renee in Concordia but it didn't work out.
Driving the interstate through Kansas doesn't allow you to see the good parts. I guess that is where the idea for this blog post comes from. I have been to a lot of the good places in Kansas and want to share them.
The following image was taken in Rooks County Kansas near Sugar Loaf mound, and about three miles from where my dad grew up. One of his friends lived on the homestead that this barn was apart of when they were younger.
I shot it with 'Rosebud', my Mamiya 645 Medium Format camera on Kodak chrome. Edited in post to add more feeling of desolation to the image.