Go ahead and come on inside and take a look around.

We were doing a little remodeling a while back and we never got around to finishing, watch your step!

Perhaps we should start a fire to warm up the place.

If I had known you were stopping by I would have cleaned up, sorry about the mess.

Here is where I have been sleeping.

Part of the remodel we were doing was the addition of a wing on the west end of the estate.

We never got around to putting the handrail back onto the stairs.

Please be extra careful as you go up the stairs!

As you might have guessed, the banister has been removed as well.

So please do not fall down, it is a long drop!

The lawn needs to be mowed as well. Watch your step out there on your way out!

Thanks for stopping by, you are welcome to come back at anytime!
Urban Exploring has always been something that interests me.
There are so many empty buildings that have stories to tell.